
Yes. Both example programs could read the same data file.

The INPUT Statement for Numbers

The INPUT statement that reads one number looks like this:

INPUT #fileNumber, variable

The #fileNumber must be for a file that has already been opened for INPUT. For numeric input, variable should be a numeric variable. When the statement executes, the next number in the file is read. The number is separated from the other numbers in the file by spaces, one comma, or the end of a line. The number is read into variable.

For example, say that the input file looks like this:

99  23, 17

Say that the file has just been opened (as #7) so that nothing has been read in, yet. When the statement


is executed, the 45 from the first line is read in. The value 45 is assigned to the variable COST.


Say that the next statement to execute is


What is read into SALE ?